6 Types Of Blog Posts That Make The Most Money 

6 Types Of Blog Posts That Make The Most Money

OK, so you start blogging.

Not just for fun, but to make some extra money.

That means you need to know what types of blog posts have the best potential to bring you monetary results. Today we’re going to take a look at some of the most effective blog post types.

For starters, it’s important to remember that you should keep your content as narrowly niche as possible.

Let’s say you blog about golf. You might think that creating a post about the top five best new luxury watches could attract golfers. Maybe some of them would buy a watch through your affiliate link. While that’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility, since golf is a fairly expensive hobby, this article will likely attract a lot of visitors who aren’t interested in golf at all. That’s not your target audience.

It can even hurt your reputation as a golf blogger, not to mention your search engine rankings, for being so off-topic.

Remember, you want to create content that is most likely to get you a new email subscriber, make someone buy something, or take other action that you desire.

With that in mind, here are the best types of posts to get the job done…

6 Types Of Blog Posts That Make The Most Money

Top lists

Top list blog postTop lists are a very popular type of content that is perfect for starting a call to action.

For example, a golf blogger might post an article titled “The Top 5 Drivers That Can Extend Your Drives.”

You could then place your call-to-action at the bottom of the article asking people to opt-in to your lead magnet called “10 Ways to Shave Strokes Off Your Golf Game”.

It’s perfectly fine to use your affiliate links to link to the products in your list to monetize your post.


Interviews blog postInterviews with industry experts and well-known figures in your market will garner a lot of attention and help add a bit of credibility to your blog.

Having interviewed someone people know will not only attract more traffic but also give people a natural feeling that your own information is more likely to be good.

Tips & Tricks

People love articles that offer simple tips and tricks in an easy-to-understand format.

Lists of 5-10 tips and tricks on a given topic attract a lot of readers and make it easy to generate a call-to-action.

This is why you see so many big, popular brands like Buzzfeed and others using this strategy all the time.

Detailed tutorials

tutorials blog postIn-depth tutorials are usually always a big draw, but they’re also great for getting people to take action.

A good, in-depth tutorial will bring you a lot of traffic and also give you a lot of credibilities if it’s well-written and interesting.

These work so well because Google’s algorithm favors longer articles. In fact, the best blog length for SEO in 2019 is 1,700 or more words.

Blog posts over 2,000 words rank better than blog posts of 1,000 words or fewer.

So aim for 2000 word posts at least occasionally.

(I know this is too much writing, but you can always outsource the work for Fiverr.com or other places.)

Also, by sharing such great information for free, you can get a lot of comments on the post. As a result, the content of the page will continue to grow over time, cementing this great ranking.

Case studies

Case study blog postPeople love case studies. You show your readers what is really possible in your niche.

The best place to start creating case studies is to poll your own list of people who have found success in your niche. Then use the above interview strategy and insert it into a real-life case study.

Make sure you focus on the obstacles they overcame and the bottom line.

Case studies are also great for product reviews. Weave in your affiliate link and you will make a lot of money from this type of blog post.


Video content has tremendous potential to get people to take action because you can actually prompt them to take action in the video itself.

Also, video viewers stay on your page longer, which also helps in Google ranking.

Additionally, people watching your video are far more likely to hear your call-to-action than someone who has just read a lot of text and now needs to read a call-to-action, so the video can be extremely effective.

Other Types of Content

There are other types of content to consider as well. Remember, you don’t have to be 100% committed to your top conversion goals. Occasionally, you may have additional goals for your content.

For example, maybe you just want to increase brand awareness. You want to get a big boost in viral traffic and you’re not so concerned about your main goals.

In this case, you could create a post that is absolutely out there just to get traffic and help people recognize your name in your niche.

Let’s look at an example:

Let’s say you’re writing an article titled “The 25 Most Bizarre Money-Making Methods Ever Developed!”.

This article is pretty generic and could potentially attract a lot of people who aren’t even interested in making money because they just want to see the weird information – BUT it could also attract readers who would be interested in what you’re offering.

It could also increase your brand awareness in your niche, which could benefit you later, even if you don’t get many results right away.

As you can see from today’s posts, there are many different formats that work well when blogging. Mix it up and try them all. This is the only way to know which blog content types the best suit your niche!

To Your Success!

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