Best 3 Ways To Make Money Online With ClickFunnels

Everyone wants to make money online. But is it realistic? Is it an achievable goal? That is the question so many ask. The truth? The internet marketing industry is full of smoke and mirrors. Yes, certain things are not what they seem. But there is real magic going on behind the curtains. If you can apply certain sales principles, you can break through everything you have believed to be true in the past.

The thing is, we are all the sum of our beliefs. If you don’t believe in something and you are looking for enough evidence that it is not true, you will find it. Alternatively, if you wholeheartedly believe that you can make money online, you will find a way. Jim Rohn once said, “If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse. ”

I’m not saying that if you can’t figure out how to make money online, all you’re looking for is excuses. But, damn it, yeah, I kind of say that. However, you can’t expect to wake up one day, decide to make some money online, and then it magically appears to you. It doesn’t quite work that way. I’m not saying you must fail or face trouble, but it generally does when you learn the proverbial ropes.

I’m assuming this article with all of that because I’m giving you a disclaimer. Many people are trying to find a good way to make some extra income on the internet, but they just don’t know-how. You are stuck in the neutral. They don’t know where to go or what to do. I get it if you’re just starting out. Maybe you don’t want to be that rah-rah cheerleader jumping up and down promoting your offer.

What is ClickFunnel?

ClickFunnels is a sales funnel creator that helps companies automate their sales process from A to Z. It gives you the ability to keep every phase of the shopping process under control.

ClickFunnels helps you create regular websites, opt-in pages, landing pages, membership websites, squeeze pages, webinars, and much more. In addition, users can create sales funnels with a large number of pre-made, customizable designs.
Companies and entrepreneurs often use ClickFunnels to sell and market their products and services. In the meantime, others are using it to facilitate their potential customer acquisition campaigns for their online businesses.

Clickfunnels was founded by Russell Brunson in 2014. If you don’t know who he is, you’ve probably been hiding under a rock for the past few years. Today this company has grown into a giant, with over $ 400 million in annual revenue and nearly 100,000 subscribers to its SaaS platform.

If you are serious about making money online then this is the platform that you need to know, learn, absorb and understand in every minute detail. I’m serious. The funny thing is, I recently talked about it with my brother, who quit his job not so long ago and decided to become an internet marketer. Now I know what you’re thinking He probably had a small job. Nope. He counted in six digits. But he stopped anyway. Why? I’ll explain that in a moment.

To understand ClickFunnels, you need to understand what a sales funnel is. The funny thing is that Brunson almost named ClickFunnels, ClickFusion. Good thing he didn’t. Sounds really strange now. ClickFunnels is a platform that will help you build your sales funnel from start to finish. I am talking about all the nuances of it. Down to the last detail.

ClickFunnels has an easy-to-use system that allows you to create your landing pages in a super-simple user interface that allows you to quickly integrate email providers, payment processors, drop-ship stations, and a lot more.

3 ways to make money with ClickFunnels

When it comes down to it, there are three ways you can make money with ClickFunnels. Which one to choose is entirely up to you. It largely depends on your level of knowledge and skills in the online marketing industry, but also how deep your pockets are to get some ad spend. Remember, everything you start requires some tweaking to get it right. It won’t happen overnight; it takes time and effort.

Recommend ClickFunnels to other people and earn an affiliate commission

Affiliate CommissionIf you don’t want to sell your own products or services at all, you can simply promote ClickFunnels yourself. If you have a mailing list or know how to drive traffic to ads, it’s easy to set this up and start making money online relatively quickly with ClickFunnels. While most people don’t like the headache of developing their own products and services, there is something to say to get the ball rolling and make money quickly.
Since ClickFunnels is a great offer, you shouldn’t have any qualms about promoting it. You can also promote the other items in the ClickFunnels value ladder, including the Expert Secrets book or the Dot Com Secrets book. Getting a sale certainly isn’t overly complicated. But you need to understand the inherent power of affiliate marketing. The basis is the need to create an above-average amount of value.
Added value? Secure. It takes that. Sounds easy, doesn’t it? But if you don’t have a list and still want to make money with ClickFunnels, you can add value. You can add value to Facebook Groups by posting comments, on YouTube by posting explanatory or tutorial videos, or on Instagram, Snapchat, or anywhere else. There is no right or wrong way to add value. As long as you do things to help others, you will eventually make money.
Sign up to ClickFunnels and learn the basics. Get into their training and learn all you can. Join their Facebook group and see what others post. All of these will inspire and motivate you to really understand how you can use this powerful landing page software to not only advertise as an affiliate but ultimately build your own funnels and drive your conversions high.

Sell your own digital information or physical products through ClickFunnels

Sell products through clickfunnlesCertainly, you can also sell your own products or services. You can do this in a variety of ways, all of which can be created through ClickFunnels. Here are some examples of the types of funnels you can create with ClickFunnels to sell whatever you sell:

  • Physical e-commerce products: The offers for free plus shipping are huge. Whether you’re selling a free book or a simple product to help you get customers, it’s easy to sell e-com products through ClickFunnels. There are people making millions of dollars a month from simple, low- competitive, and high-demand products through sales funnels like these. This of course also includes up-sells and other offers to increase your average shopping cart value. But there is an easy way to make money from ClickFunnels.
  • High-ticket coaching: If you’re selling any type of high-ticket coaching, consider setting up a lead-to-application-to-phone-call funnel. It is easy to do. And it’s a great way to make money from ClickFunnels. High-ticket coaching can make you big bucks if you know what you are doing. Traditionally, however, it is difficult to set up. Just like the e-commerce funnels would be without ClickFunnels.
    Information products: Any type of information product can be easily sold with ClickFunnels. They can use a variety of pre-built templates or even purchase a template from their marketplace. It saves you the time and effort of redesigning an entire funnel from scratch. While it doesn’t take too long, if you know what to do if you’re new or just want to take a shortcut, this is an easy way to go.
  • Continuity Programs: Membership sites (or continuity programs) are a great way to generate passive income. And adding a continuity program to each funnel is easy with ClickFunnels. As I always say, if you are serious about making real money and getting rich, you have to make money while you sleep. To do this, you need some form of passive income.
  • Webinars: With webinars, you have an engaged audience who are in the same room with others as you introduce a product or service that you are offering. This is a great way to sell high-quality products and services as well. Sure, the path from application to phone call is great, but a webinar really sells like there’s no tomorrow. Most people also like to combine the webinar with an application by directing them to the app after the webinar is over and closing the deal with a phone call.

Get paid to build funnels for others through ClickFunnels Certified Partners

Building Funnels with ClickfunnelsDo you want to avoid everything else and just let people build their own funnels? If you are a great funnel builder but have launched your own offerings with relatively unsuccessful results, you can become a ClickFunnels Certified Partner and hire others to create great funnels. To do this, you really need to know and understand the software front and back, including all of its automation and integrations.
If you’re great at this, becoming a certified ClickFunnels affiliate is an easy way to make money online. When you are a certified affiliate you have a lot more credibility to sell funnels. But you have to go through the certification process. It’s not difficult, but it will cost you some time and money. Both are often in short supply. But that’s a great investment no matter how you look at it.

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