ClickFunnels. The Good and The Bad

ClickFunnels. The Good & The Bad

It doesn’t seem like a serious online marketer these days without a mention of ClickFunnels at least once a day by other marketers.

Well, this may be a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the point.

It cannot be denied that ClickFunnels has almost achieved cult status among marketers. The 2 Comma Club and Golden Disc Awards don’t help things.

The masses will almost make you believe that only using ClickFunnels will you get rich faster than you ever thought possible. This is of course not true.

ClickFunnels is a funnel builder at its core. It’s a tool, just like any other. How you use it determines your online success. While its fans praise it, it also has critics spitting out hatred.

It’s easy to be misled by all of the online opinions, but keep in mind that ClickFunnels is simply a tool. So we have to look at it for its merits as a funnel-builder, not Russell Brunson’s charisma or the successful marketers who hyped it up.

Let’s look at the pros and cons of ClickFunnels …

The Good

Stable funnel builder

Whether or not ClickFunnels was the first funnel builder is controversial. But it definitely burst onto the stage like no other funnel-builder before it.

The tool itself works, and it works fine, although some people have problems with it. There are many marketers who are successfully doing 6 digit deals on ClickFunnels. So it works … and in this area where products don’t deliver what they promise, that’s definitely a good thing.

It’s simple with ClickFunnels.

In contrast to page creators like Thrive Architect or OptimizePress, with ClickFunnels you not only create sales pages, you can SIMPLY link them all within the ClickFunnels user interface.

That simplicity is a great selling point that will appeal to novice marketing users. The hassle of connecting the sales pages and upsells to a third-party marketing platform alone just seems too complicated.

ClickFunnels Editor

ClickFunnels is a one-stop solution for all of your marketing needs. It’s simple to include upsells, and the visual layout shows you how your funnel will function.

Amazing Templates

There are over 280 templates in ClickFunnels. You can easily load an existing page, make changes to it, and have a nice sales page in about 30 minutes.

The user interface is clean and intuitive. It’s just a matter of dragging and dropping items onto the page.

You can also create landing pages in the same way. While you could argue that the landing pages look better on Leadpages (correct), ClickFunnels still does the job – and you can use them to build your list.

ClickFunnels Templates

Has an affiliate program function

Are you thinking of running your own affiliate program for your products?

ClickFunnels has you covered here too. It’s all built within the platform. Marketers who don’t use ClickFunnels need a third-party plugin like iDev Affiliate and have to set it up on their website, sync the products, and so on.

No such problems here, because simplicity seems to be the motto of ClickFunnels.

Lots of 3rd party integrations

ClickFunnels can be integrated into many popular third-party apps/tools such as Active Campaign, AWeber, ConvertKit, Facebook, GetResponse, GoToWebinar, Hubspot, InfusionSoft, Kajabi, Maropost, and many more.

On the official website, you can see the whole list of integrations. Here’s how you can get the most out of ClickFunnels by using it in conjunction with other powerful tools.

clickfunnels integrations

Autoresponder built-in

If you’re wondering whether ClickFunnels has an autoresponder built into the software – yes it does. It’s called Actionetics and it works as the email marketing tool that comes with your package.

However, Actionetics alone doesn’t quite compare to the other solid autoresponders like ConvertKit, AWeber, etc. You are better off using ClickFunnels as a funnel builder and integrating it with a better email marketing tool.

You Can Share your funnels

ClickFunnels has a very unique feature that allows you to share your funnels with other users.

For example, if one of your sales funnels is doing really well, you can share it with your friend or partner and just by editing the items and making them their own will they have a higher chance of success. It’s better to use an existing winner rather than try to come up with one from scratch.

Great Analytics

ClickFunnels gives you analytics so you can examine your conversion statistics and other metrics to improve your business.

ClickFunnels hosts your pages

Do you know what’s really interesting?

You could actually build a 6 digit online business without ever signing up for web hosting. If you can drive traffic to a sales page created with ClickFunnels and have an autoresponder set up, you could run your business without any problems – BECAUSE ClickFunnels hosts your sales pages, thank you pages, etc. on their servers.

You can use a service like Dropbox to save your download files, etc. Of course, this is a very lean process and you might want to have your own hosting, but just knowing that your pages are hosted by ClickFunnels makes things seem easier.

24/7 support

If you have problems with your pages, etc., you can always contact ClickFunnels support via live chat or telephone support. They have a very capable team on site to help you.

The Bad

Well, the haters will have a lot to say. But in general, ClickFunnels can appear buggy every now and then. but that is to be expected from such an advanced software tool.

ClickFunnels works most of the time with only the occasional hiccup. It’s not perfect, but that doesn’t mean this is a deal-breaker.

The price is $ 97 per month, but after 100 pages (or 20 funnels) you’ll need to upgrade and the price goes up significantly to $ 297.

If your business generates enough income, feel free to pay the extra charge. But if not, you might be taken aback by the new price. If you decide to quit, removing your pages from ClickFunnels can be a chore.

Should you get it?

It all depends on your budget and needs. If you are a marketing beginner on a budget, ClickFunnels is not for you. It can be a chore to spend $ 97 a month.

However, if you are a beginner, can afford the monthly fee, and prefer simplicity, ClickFunnels might be for you.

Intermediate marketers can choose to try it out, and many will prefer it. Others may not be too happy with it. You have a 30-day money-back guarantee in any case. So you have nothing to lose by trying it out and seeing if it works for you.

The truth is that ClickFunnels is really a solid brand and millionaires are using it in their business. If it’s good for her, chances are, it will be good for you too.

So give it a try and you’ll be glad you did.

>>> Click Here To Get ClickFunnels <<< 

To your success.

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