ClickFunnels vs Builderall : Which One is Best For You?

ClickFunnels vs BuilderAll Which One is Best For You

Business is becoming increasingly competitive these days. All companies are looking for advantages that they can gain over competitors. One of these methods uses e-commerce.

Ecommerce offers huge marketing potential due to a large number of people using the internet. Some would also argue that it’s also easier than traditional advertising.

A popular tool for gaining traction and converting sales is a sales funnel. Sales funnels are essentially easy to design and build websites with a simple click and drag functionality that doesn’t require you to use any code. There are so many options available to you that it can be difficult to choose the right one for your campaign.

This article will focus on two of the main options currently on the market, ClickFunnels and Builderall Hopefully this article can help you choose the right one for you!

We’re going to dive deep into this ClickFunnels vs. BuilderAll review.

What are sales funnels?

As mentioned earlier, sales funnels is a website that focuses on converting sales. There is a little but you need to know more. There are steps to help convert prospects. Even if they interact with your product, it’s a long way before they decide to buy it.

Sales funnels help simplify the experience by including a set of guides that will make buying your product a lot easier and less stressful. The simpler the experience, the happier customers are and the more likely they are to come back.

The steps of building a funnel

There are a few steps to a successful sales funnel. It is important that you always keep the steps as short and as simple as possible!

  1. You get visitors to your landing page by generating leads.
  2. There should be something on your landing page that encourages them and makes them register their email address.
  3. Send an enticing email with information about your products.
  4. The recipient reads their email when it is opened. This should persuade them to purchase the product.
  5. Your interactions with the customer will become more frequent, which will lead to more sales in the future.

That’s essentially it. It’s a really simple process aimed at getting as many customers as possible. It’s also a really good way to generate more customers if you already have a stable customer base.

 Click Funnel

Clickfunnels Homepage

We’ll start by examining one of the most popular sales funnels, ClickFunnels. Previously, to build a sales funnel like this would require you to know to code or hire someone to build you a sales funnel.

ClickFunnels changed this so anyone can do it. It offers a truly simplified experience with a high-end product every time. Affordable with a lot in its integration features, it earns its reputation as a market leader and quality product.

How does ClickFunnels work?

So, ClickFunnels allows you to run your business from one place. It gives you access to everything from your automated email responder to your payment integrations It has everything you require in one convenient place.

Many online businesses struggle to reach their goals, especially in the first two years, and that’s because they focus on a variety of products or services instead of offering a single offering to retain customers. ClickFunnels helps streamline this.

Clickfunnels features

  • Sales Funnel Template – There are 280 templates to choose from. The templates were developed based on general customer behavior to appeal to the majority of customers. There are four categories to choose from: sales funnels, lead funnels, event funnels, and membership funnels. Each has its own pros and cons depending on what product you have.
  • Drag and Drop Features – If you don’t want to use the provided funnels, feel free to create your own. You can create and edit different pages as you like. There’s an additional feature called A/B Testing to help you determine if you’re using the right funnel for you.
  • Page Elements – Very important for user experience for your customers. You have the ability to customize the design to suit any needs. Buttons, images, and wedges are all desired and easily accessible.
  • Tutorials – The tutorials are really helpful and easy to find. The tutorials consist of a short and concise videos with easy-to-follow instructions that will help you become a pro. Even the owner, Russell Brunson, made a few videos to help you out!
  • Integrations – ClickFunnels offers a variety of tools to give you an edge over your other competitors. You are free to choose which ones you want, which will help you find the right tools for you. You can connect your sales funnel page to your PayPal from your Facebook Page. This enables efficient operation.
  • Sharing Features – You have the ability to share your sales funnel page just by sharing the URL. There is a URL Shortner feature that allows you to have a clean and tidy URL to share. This will further help you to expand your customer base.
  • Clickfunnels Templates

Clickfunnels costs

The cost really depends on what you’re looking for outside of the service. There are two packages to choose from with a variety of features. The first thing to mention is that there is a 14-day free trial that you should definitely take advantage of even if you just want to try out ClickFunnels.

The starter pack costs $97 per month. To do this, you can create 20 sales funnels, create up to 100 pages for them and connect your URL to 3 domains. It’s the ideal package if you’re just starting out and want to grab attention.

The main downside is that you don’t have access to the Funnel Hacker platform, which allows you to reconnect with customers once they leave your sales funnel.

The premium package costs $297 per month, which is a sizable investment. You can create unlimited sales funnels, and unlimited pages and connect with 9 payment methods. It is the ideal package for a company that is a little more advanced.

There are a few additional features that cost extra. I would encourage you to do your own research as they are another expensive add-on in case you feel you need to use them.

Pros and Cons of ClickFunnels

The Pros

  • Stable funnel builder

Whether ClickFunnels was the first funnel builder to hit the scene is a point that needs debate. But it definitely burst onto the scene like no other funnel builder before it.

The tool itself works, and it works well, although some people have issues with it. There are many marketers who are successfully running six-figure businesses on ClickFunnels. So it works… and in this space where products don’t live up to their promises, that’s definitely a good thing.

  • ClickFunnels makes things easy

Unlike page builders like Thrive Architect or OptimizePress, with ClickFunnels you not only create sales pages, you can EASILY link them all within the ClickFunnels interface.

This simplicity is a big selling point that appeals to novice marketers. The hassle of connecting the sales pages and upsells to a third-party marketing platform alone just seems too complicated.

ClickFunnels is a one-stop solution for all of your marketing needs. It’s simple to add upsells, and the graphic style shows you exactly how your funnel will function..

  • Templates

There are over 280 templates in ClickFunnels. You can easily load an existing one, make changes to it, and have a beautiful sales page in about 30 minutes.

The user interface is clean and intuitive. It’s just a matter of dragging and dropping elements onto the page.

You can also create landing pages in the same way. While one could argue that landing pages look better in Leadpages (right), ClickFunnels still gets the job done — and you can use it to build your list.

  • Has an affiliate program feature

Thinking about running your own affiliate program for your products?

ClickFunnels has you covered here too. It’s all integrated within the platform. Marketers not using ClickFunnels need a third-party plugin like iDev Affiliate and need to set it up on their site, sync the products, and so on. Pretty tedious.

No such issues here, as simplicity seems to be the motto of ClickFunnels.

  • Lots of integrations

ClickFunnels integrates with many popular 3rd party apps/tools such as ActiveCampaign, AWeber, ConvertKit, Facebook, GetResponse, GoToWebinar, Hubspot, InfusionSoft, Kajabi, Maropost, and many more. The full list of integrations can be found on the official website. So, you can get the most out of ClickFunnels by using it in conjunction with other powerful tools.

  • Built-in autoresponder

If you’re wondering if ClickFunnels has an autoresponder built into the software – yes, it does. It’s called Actionetics and it works as an email marketing tool that comes with your package. Actionetics alone doesn’t quite compare to the other solid autoresponders like ConvertKit, AWeber, etc. You are better off using ClickFunnels as a funnel builder and integrating it with a better email marketing tool.

  • Share your funnels

You can share your funnels with other ClickFunnels users, which is a pretty unique feature. For example, if one of your sales funnels is going very well, you could share it with your friend or partner, and by simply editing the elements and making it their own, they would have a higher chance of success. It’s better to use an existing winner than try to create one from scratch.

  • Analytics

ClickFunnels provides you with analytics so you can examine your conversion stats and other metrics to improve your business.

  • ClickFunnels hosts your pages

Do you know what’s really interesting?

You could actually build a 6 figure online business without ever signing up for web hosting. If you can drive traffic to a sales page built with ClickFunnels and have an autoresponder set up, you can run your business with ease – BECAUSE ClickFunnels will host your sales pages, thank you pages, etc. on their servers.

You might save your downloaded files, for example, using a service like Dropbox.. Of course, this is a very lightweight operation and you might want to have your own hosting, but just knowing that your pages are hosted by ClickFunnels makes things seem easier.

  • 24/7 support

If you have any issues with your pages etc, you can always contact ClickFunnels support 24/7 via live chat or by phone. They have a very capable team to help you.

The Cons

The haters, on the other hand, will have plenty to say. However, ClickFunnels can be a little buggy at times. But, given the sophistication of the program, this is to be expected.

ClickFunnels works for the most part, with only a few hiccups. It isn’t flawless, but that doesn’t imply it isn’t usable. As for pricing, it costs $97 per month, but after 100 pages (or 20 funnels) you’ll need to upgrade, and the price goes up significantly to $297.

If your business generates enough revenue, you’re more than willing to pay the premium. But if not, the new price might scare you. If you decide to quit, moving your pages out of ClickFunnels can be a chore.


Builderall Homepage

Builderall is a very similar product to ClickFunnels, but the design and idea are slightly different. It still offers a high-quality, easy-to-use, all-in-one service for your sales funnel website at an affordable price. The difference is that it has 3 main features: Canvas Funnel Builder feature, Pixel Perfect Builder, and Mail Boss feature. These allow you to create your sales funnel page and let users use it without coding or an autoresponder email service.

All in all, there are more than 50 tools in BuilderAll for you to use and master. With a variety of templates, editing and design tools, integration options, and a variety of social options, BuilderAll is certainly a viable option.

How does Builderall work?

BuilderAll works by providing all the tools you need to be successful. It offers the tools at a lower price when compared to buying them individually, hence the program is cheaper overall. There is also an added benefit of using Builderall.

It offers one of the best commissions going through the affiliate marketing program. If you’re considering using Builderall, I’d recommend doing some research of your own.

Features of Builderall

  • Heat Mapping, Analytics and Split Testing – BuilderAll lets you test your entire sales funnel design. You can choose the better options that give better results. With Click Maps, you can see where people are clicking on your website more often and adjust the less-used parts of your page. BuilderAll also uses Google Analytics, which allows you to track behavior and click patterns.
  • Integrations – You can take advantage of the wide range of payment methods available. Feel free to choose between PayPal, Shopify, Aweber, and others. This diversity allows you to take advantage of different platforms in a simple and easy way.
  • Support – The platform comes with over 400 videos in case you encounter any difficulties. You can quickly become familiar with BuilderAll by using the QuickStart feature. There is also a support team to help you. You can also visit their Facebook page to share new ideas and get new information if needed.
  • Drag and Drop Website Designer – BuilderAll offers an easy-to-use drag and drop system for creating your perfect sales funnel. You can see how it will look on a computer, tablet, or phone. It also optimizes it for each device without you having to do anything, which is a nice feature.

Builderall Tools

Builderall Pricing

There are 3 packages to choose from, which make for a good variety. There is also a 7-day free trial. So if you want to use Builderall, I would recommend using it. The Cheetah plan costs $19.90 per month. This gives you access to web builders, templates, support, and a few other features that will come in handy.

The marketer plan costs $79.90 per month. This package gives you access to Builderall Apps, SSL Certificates, and unlimited use of the Mail Boss feature.

Builderall Premium has a monthly fee of $89.90. It provides you with all of the resources you’ll need to succeed.

It comes with all the connected marketing features, a steam platform, webinars, and many other features that I encourage you to research.

Builderall Pricing plan

Builderall pros and cons

The Pros

  • Contains more than 50+ tools under one roof
  • A cheap alternative
  • It is actively updated with new tools and features
  • Perfect for beginners (for new internet marketers on a tight budget)
  • Recommended for people who want to keep using their WordPress website as Builderall has a WP install

The Cons

  • They seem too focused on adding more tools to their platform.
  • 30+ tools might be overwhelming for newbies
  • The tools and the interface should become more professional
  • It has an inconsistent user experience between tools
  • Website/funnel templates are not that professional and some are outdated
  • You could encounter some mistake


This is a very tricky choice as both platforms offer different pros and cons. Every platform offers you an opportunity to be successful in your eCommerce adventure, so I would suggest that personal preference plays a big part in your decision.

ClickFunnels is a lot more expensive but offers a lot more features and ease of use. BuilderAll is an easy-to-use, purpose-fulfilling product that just gets the job done. It depends on what you can afford and what stage you are in with your business.

My suggestion would be to take advantage of the ClickFunnels vs BuilderAll free trial offer, weigh the pros and cons, and make your decision based on the experience you had during your free trial.

I hope you got a lot of use out of this ClickFunnels vs. BuilderAll review.

To Your Success!

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