The Truth About Spark by ClickBank. An Honest Review

The Truth About Spark by ClickBank. An Honest Review

Would you like to earn good money with the help of online marketing and sales? Running a successful online business is the ultimate dream of millions of people around the world. Lots of people are frantically searching for tutorials, e-books, and websites to help them. Websites that purport to help you start and run a profitable online business have mushroomed everywhere. Of course, many of them are empty vessels, and if you are serious about your plans, you must learn to tell the wheat from the chaff.

Spark By ClickBank overview

  • Product: Spark by ClickBank
  • Type: Affiliate Marketing Training
  • Owner: ClickBank
  • Official website URL:
  • Price: $0 for a 3-day free trial, then $47/month
  • Refund: 60 days

Spark By ClickBank-Home page

What is ClickBank?

In case you’re not familiar with ClickBank, it’s an affiliate marketplace and e-commerce platform that helps connect sellers (i.e., people with products to sell) and affiliates (i.e., marketers who want to promote products). bring.

There’s a thriving world of online business that you can be a part of at ClickBank – either by selling your own product or by earning a commission when you sell someone else’s product. Many ordinary people don’t even know about the incredible opportunities online – or if they do, they’re not sure how to use affiliate marketing for themselves!

Below are some of the product categories on ClickBank :

  • Arts and entertainment
  • Business/Investments
  • Computer/Internet
  • cooking, food, and wine
  • E-Business and E-Marketing
  • Education
  • Employment and jobs
  • Health and fitness
  • House and garden
  • Self-help
  • Software
  • Sports
  • Travel

Although there are many products to market in many different niches, many of them are of very low quality.

If you’re new to “affiliate marketing,” would you like to know how it works? Spark can help with that!

What is Spark by ClickBank?

Spark is ClickBank’s official educational platform for affiliate marketing. They teach affiliate marketing concepts to help people just like you build a successful online business!

In short, Spark is an online community and membership site with video tutorials on everything you need to know to make money online. We currently offer courses to get you started with Affiliate Marketing, Copywriting, Facebook Ads, Email Marketing, Entrepreneurship, and much more.

This program was launched in October 2020 to replace the previous ClickBank University program, which started in 2014, and two years later, ClickBank developed CBU 2.0 to offer online marketers more focused training. Now Spark has replaced CBU 2.0 with a whole new approach.

Spark comes to you at a very affordable price, unlike the other courses. It offers you 17 courses and 70+ training videos once you pay for it.

What’s included in Spark

Spark is a learning tool that teaches you to step by step how to start making money online. It’s primarily intended for a beginner audience, but there’s still some useful information for more experienced affiliate marketers.

Spark’s course gives you an in-depth introduction to affiliate marketing across 17 modules. Designed for beginners, this course provides a comprehensive overview of how to approach your marketing for a successful online business. The details of the courses are:

Course 1: Getting Started-First Steps

In the first course, you will learn what Spark by ClickBank is. You will also receive a link that explains how the Clickbank dashboard works.

Spark By ClickBank -Course 1

Course 2: Internet Marketing 101

This second course introduces affiliate marketing.

You’ll learn about internet marketing types including:

You will also learn various terms, ideas, and concepts related to internet marketing.

  • Analytics
  • Click-through rates
  • Funnel
  • Open rates
  • Pay per click

If you have experience in affiliate marketing/internet marketing, you should be familiar with the terms.

Last but not least, there is a video about different marketing channels:

  • Paid Search
  • Organic Search
  • Digital Display Advertising
  • Email marketing
  • Pay per click

Spark By ClickBank -Course 2

Course 3: How Clickbank fits into the game

In this course, you will learn how to use Clickbank as part of your marketing strategy. This is just a video showing you how to find a product on the Clickbank Marketplace to promote.

Spark By ClickBank -Course 3

Course 4: Product Owners

This course is for people who own their own products and want to sell them through Clickbank. You can get an overview of the process in this course.

Spark By ClickBank -Course 4

Course 5: Affiliate Marketing

This course will teach you what affiliate marketing is. If you’ve never heard of affiliate marketing, this section will explain it to you.

Spark By ClickBank -Course 5

Course 6: Direct Response Psychology

The sixth course covers the psychology of direct response, which consists of three steps:

  • Problem
  • Agitate
  • Solution

The process generally involves identifying a problem, connecting them to a solution, and then giving them a solution (the product you’re selling).

Spark By ClickBank -Course 6

Course 7: Compliance

There is only one video in this course that discusses compliance, so you can stay away from the FTC and other federal agencies.

Course 8: What makes an online offer

This section contains ten short videos that explain the various aspects of bidding.

This contains:

  • Ad copy
  • Lead magnet
  • Sales copy
  • Landing page
  • Email follow up
  • Retargeting
  • Hoplinks
  • Offer page
  • Order form
  • Thank you page

Spark By ClickBank -Course 8

Course 9: Content Types

This course explores the different types of content you can create to drive traffic.

Here are the mentioned content types:

  • Blog
  • Long-form content
  • Case studies
  • White papers
  • eBooks
  • Infographics
  • Template checklists
  • Video content

park By ClickBank -Course 9

Course 10: The Tools of Digital Marketing

In the tenth lesson, you will learn about the various tools needed to make money.

Here are the tools presented in the lesson:

Spark By ClickBank -Course 10

Course 11: Outsourcing

Only one video is available for the eleventh course, which focuses primarily on outsourcing. Also, you’ll find some links to places where you can find people to help you with your site.

Course 12: Understanding Memberships

The 12th course is very short and covers how to create a membership site.

Once more, there is only one video that covers such a difficult subject, which is certainly insufficient.

Course 13: Affiliate Quickstart Guide Part 1

In this part of the affiliate marketing course, you will learn what a Clickbank affiliate is, how to choose a niche and what type of product you can sell, etc.

Course 14: Affiliate Quickstart Guide Part 2

The following topics are covered in the second part of the quick start guide :

  • What is an email list
  • How to build a lead magnet and opt-in form
  • How to choose an email autoresponder
  • Free traffic

Spark By ClickBank -Course 14

Course 15: Creating your first ad

This course is about creating your first advertising campaign. These topics are covered in this course:

  • Market research
  • Choosing the marketing channel to promote products
  • Creation of your marketing message
  • Optimizing your campaigns and analytics

Spark By ClickBank -Course 15

Course 16: Digital Product quick start – Part 1

This is the first in a two-part series on creating digital products.

What you will learn in course sixteen:

  • Clickbank Marketplace: How to use it
  • Selection and sketching of your first product
  • The process of creating a product and pricing it.

Spark By ClickBank -Course 16

Course 17: Digital Product quick start – Part 2

In this last course from Spark By ClickBank, continue to learn about product creation. Here are the topics covered:

  • How to create a sales page
  • How to create a thank you page
  • How to launch your product on ClickBank
  • How to use upsells
  • How to use the ClickBank Affiliate Network to your advantage

Who is Spark By ClickBank for?

Spark isn’t just for beginners, it’s for all walks of affiliate entrepreneurship. It provides information needed using phrases and business ideas, why some marketing work ideas fail and others, how to create impressive advertisements and how to convert them into sales. The whole training process has been prepared by professional marketing consultants to train you. The program is for you if you want to reduce the time it takes to get your first ClickBank paycheck. I found the entire course prepared with state-of-the-art tools, tutorials, and information on digital marketing. You will surely learn all the details you need to market and sell in this digital world.

How much does Spark by ClickBank cost?

Spark by ClickBank costs $47 per month. Also, you can try it for $0 for 3 days.

Spark By ClickBank pros and cons


  • Looks professional and the facts are well presented
  • The training part is clear and easy to understand
  • Inexpensive compared to other courses
  • Training Provided to ClickBank if that is the platform of choice for you
  • Lessons on how to develop a product and market it through affiliate marketers may be found in the Vendors section, which is quite good.
  • Money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the program


  • People feel that they cannot completely rely on ClickBank for their Internet marketing for a very long
  • ClickBank may not help you make significant amounts yourself in the beginning
  • The students believe that Spark is not helping them get through their difficult times
  • There seems to be a lack of ongoing support
  • Many feel that there is not enough depth and is too general
  • Putting too much emphasis on paid traffic sources
  • Some feel that the course is not as easy as it claims

Final Verdict.

Is Spark by ClickBank worth it?

The short answer is yes!

The longer answer is, that it depends on where you are in your affiliate marketing journey.

I have personally been in the affiliate marketing world for almost five years and have read, heard, and watched A LOT of marketing educational content throughout my journey. I have put many of these lessons into practice in my own company.

Spark by ClickBank gives you in-depth knowledge of both physical and digital products. In return for sales commissions, you receive an attractive package of important marketing tools that you can rely on for your product promotion. You can start selling a variety of digital products by creating an exchange marketplace and payment gateway system.

With an experienced team equipped with extensive digital marketing knowledge and a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the product, you should have no problem signing up for the program. With a little hard work and luck, internet marketing could be right up your alley!

To Your Success!


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